Here's a year in review of the places we've been, the things we've seen, and the fun we've had along the way. Thrown in randomly are tidbits from my memory, either about the locations or specific events that happened while we were there.
I hope you enjoy the last post of 2009. I know I enjoyed more than my fair share of exploring this year.
Seaside Regional Center.
"You Brought Drugs?!?!"

Homestead Nursing Home.
I lent my flashlight to two girls we found wandering around in the dark here one day. A blue 3 cell Maglite. They gave us their emails to contact them to grab it back at some point in the future, but then decided to never email any of us again.

Homestead Nursing Home

Our Sinners Church.
AbandonedNH, Saceist, Clahhhkie, and myself visited this church I Heart Dale and I visited in 2008, only to find they had gutted the entire building and were remodeling it into a senior center. Lame.

Slutton Motor Inn.

Prudence Ferry.

SeaBreeze Hotel.
It was literally 20 degrees in the $50 a night motel Saceist, Clahhhkie, BigSam, ANH, and myself shared during our trip to NY. It wasn't so bad with three of us on the bed though. Sace took up a chair and BigSam stole a mattress from the hallway. All I remember is Clahhhkie steals the blankets wicked bad. Here's the one shot I took inside the hotel we'd gone to see before heading back to the car with AbandonedNH and checking out the Pines while a few other ADE members explored that hotel.

DownUnder Duckpin.

AbandonedNH's Artwork.

Haunted Hallway State Hospital.

Stanley Mill.

Plymouth Cunty Hospital.

Bulbous Developmental Center.
Abandoned Dreams headed out with the State Boys on this one. Always a good time hanging with Teh Dude and Duffy.

Bulbous Developmental Center.

Clahhhkie's Quarry.

Worcester State Hospital Clocktower.
The birdhouse in my soul.

Worcester State Hospital Clocktower.

Plymouth Cunty Hospital.
Out of Saceist, ANH, and myself, I was the only one to actually gain access to the hospital and see this.

Welcome, This Is Our Farmhouse.

Bulbous Developmental Center.
Out of Duffy, Teh Dude, ANH, Saceist, and myself, I was the only one to brave the collapsing floors to see what still to this day is the sickest room I've ever seen in my life.

Pyramid Developmental Center.
A thick fog had taken over the elevator control room at this state school. Here's a shot of it escaping from the only hole in the roof.

Haunted Hallway State Hospital.

Clahhhkie and I explored this newly constructed beast of a highway bridge, inside and out, late one night.

Lyman School For Boys.

One of the most pristine locations Abandoned Dreams has had the opportunity to visit and photograph.

Lyman School For Boys.

Polaroid Plant Demo.
We had the demo manager following us around in his truck yelling at us to leave while we were taking photos ignoring him. Good, clean fun.

Hampton Harbor Nuke Plant.

Worcester State Hospital Power Plant.
This shot was taken as I was in the process of escaping because a cop had already caught ANH and Saceist outside. A quick run through two floors of unlit building, a 500 foot dash across ankle deep mud, climbing a wobbly fence, and a nice inconspicuous walk back to the car and the cop was none the wiser that I'd ever stepped foot beyond the fence. :)


Dever State School.
Dever has kind of been a second home to Abandoned Dreams over the past year or two. It's definitely my personal favorite place to go whenever I have some free time. Unfortunately, Dever has been the scene of multiple fires this past year. Apparently, arson is the new fad around Dever. I think we'll stick to exploring it.

Clahhhkie's House.

Pyramid Developmental Center.

Worcester Common Outlets.
We sat on the roof midday, in full view of both office towers on each side. We sat there as the sirens grew closer and closer. Then we hurried off. Just for Fun.

Jackson Mill.


To Catch A Predator.
AbandonedNH took advantage of Clahhhkie's limited vision in the gasmask, only to find Clahhhkie loved every second of it.

Tewksbury State Hospital.
One of a few abandoned buildings on campus, this tiny gem held furniture and other junk from other institutions. Left behind was stuff from Danvers State Hospital, Mefield State Hospital, Foxboro State Hospital, and NoHo as well as a few others.

Clahhhkie at The Radd School.

Abandoned Dreams At The Radd School.

Abandoned Dreams At The Radd.

Lyman School For Boys.
This shot was taken just moments before BigSam took a piss on them.

Iron Horse Train Yard.
One of my favorite shots taken this year. The rain inside the building was just amazing, but made this location awfully difficult to shoot.

Worcester Common Outlets.



I decided that I wanted to dance alone. I did the YMCA.

Providence River Train Bridge.

Great Race 2009.
3 Abandoned Dreams members: Turrel, Clahhhkie, and I joined by DashingFlamingo's for the DegGi5 Great Race. Poor Lina, who took this photo for us. Sorry you had to see all of us like this. You know you loved it though.

Abandoned Dreams inside Malden Medical Center.
Security on site my ass. We walked around calling out for security as we explored this empty location.

I say play with your food. It's fun.

Me in the seclusion room at BRMC.

DownUnder Duckpin.

DownUnder Duckpin

DownUnder Duckpin


Millville Mill.
James, from Dark Ascents, and I explored this mill in his home state one afternoon while waiting for the sun to set to begin yet another climb.


Abdrex was forum put together by ex Abandoned Dreams member Saceist before he left the group. I wont add any details about that, but this screen shot always puts a smile on my face.

Lyman School For Boys.
BigSam, Saceist, Clahhhkie and myself pose for this photo in the Oak Building.

Boston Regional Medical Center.


Rock Hospitals.
Matt Fallout and BrandonLCE stopped by Cambria and I's place of employment one night and we all mapped out state hospitals with rocks. Pictured here is Medfield State Hospital.

Turkey Vulture Tower.
James, from Dark Ascents, and I around the 180ft mark of this tower.

Abandoned Dreams at BRMC.

The Pines Hotel.

Norwich State Hospital.

Norwich State Hospital.

Norwich State Hospital.

Grafton State Hospital.

Clahhhkie's Birthday Cake.
Made over the course of two days by AbandonedNH and myself.

Fort Devens.

The Lab.

Fulfilling Dreams.

Dever State School.
I saw it and needed to do it.

Dever State School.

Playing With Those From PA.
JohnnySokko and Vincennes came down from PA and played with Abandoned Dreams at BRMC.

Dever State School.

K9 Academy.
Long story short: Police K9's, Joints, Auditoriums, Dildo's and Ball Gags. Thanks for showing us around Injektilo. It was a blast.

The Veterans House.

Balfour Mill.

Balfour Mill.

Boston Trolly Tunnels.

Boston Trolly Tunnels

The Train Tower.
I'd wanted in this location for at least a decade and finally had the chance to be the first to watch a train fly by it from inside in at least a decade.

The Train Tower.

The Train Tower.

The Underground Railroad.

A Dever Nightmare.
Our friend Ally being abducted at Dever State School.

Dever State School.

Dever State School. Inside the three miles of Tunnels.

The Twin Towers.

Cliffside Tower.

Providence Mills.

Cambria And The Giant Smokes.

My Goal.
To climb the Million Dollar Cupola.

Eric Draven Water Tower.

Eric Draven Water Tower.
Looking down through a small hole in the deck.

Eric Draven Water Tower.
From the rail.

Wrentham Long Lines Tower.
Another of the numerous climbs I did this year with the guys from Dark Ascents.

Store24 Drain.
A nice little drain shown to Cambria and I by BrandonLCE. Here we pose by the outlet.

Store24 Drain.
Cambria in the lower section of this drain.

The Dam.
Myself, Cambria, and BrandonLCE sit on this old dam for a photo.

The 716 Drain.

DeadEnd Drain.
Cambria poses with a sparkler for this photo.

Here I stand with the guys from Dark Ascents along with the grappling hook and 30 feet of rope we got stuck and had to leave behind. The worst part? We never made it to the ladder.

At Night, I Own This City.

Cliffside Tower.

Cliffside Tower.
As the fog rolled in, James Ascents and I hurried up to the highest landing we could reach before the ladder was too unstable to continue. Only on the fourth landing we stood over 1300 feet above the city. This tower sits on the edge of a 1200 foot cliff and the view was amazing.

Millville Mill.

Leavens Awards Company.


Sunset From The Roof Of Leavens Awards.

Dever State School.

Abandoned Dreams and a friend at Dever State School.

After A Long Night At Medfield.

Fitchburg Power Station.
Cambria, Matt Fallout, MovingUnit, and myself ran into these three locals and decided to have them join us for a group photo.

Pyramid State School.

Pyramid State School.

Dever State School.

Some Random Hotel In Boston.
No idea which one, but we actively infiltrated it during UECampout 09.

Abandoned Dreams In Boston.

Cambria and Clahhhkie.

Abandoned Dreams members AbandonedNH, Cambria, and Clahhhkie outside of McLean.

Fernald State School.

Mass General Hospital, McLean.


Abandoned Dreams members Cambria, Clahhhkie and myself joined by TheWeth, DashingFlamingo's, and her friend in the IWAY.


Southwood Community Hospital.

Pyramid State School.

Pyramid State School.

Pyramid State School.

Seaside Regional Center.

Seaside Regional Center.
Taken as I was being yelled at for being in the window while a fisherman sailed past about a mile and a half out.

Seaside Regional Center.

Seaside Regional Center.

Dever State School.
Clahhhkie was tired, took a nap.

Dever State School.

Dever State School.

Getting his first tattoo during the Great Race 09.

Fernald State School.
Self reflecting.

Climbing The Comet at the old Lincoln Park on my birthday.

Grafton State Hospital.

Grafton State Hospital.

Worcester State Hospital Clock Tower.

I want to personally say thank you to all who have visited the 2009 Abandoned Dreams website. Whether you're a long time fan or if you just stumbled across it one day by accident, if you've gotten any enjoyment through this site, then the whole year was totally worth it.
I also want to thank everyone from Abandoned Dreams. Past and present, you guys are all pretty rad in my book. Let's hope for at least half as good a year next year, as we had this one.
Also a quick thanks to the following: FalloutUE, BrandonLCE, Dark Ascents, The State Boys, MovingUnit, Injektilo, Sokko and Vincennes, LaurieLCE, T2, and everyone else we've explored with over the past year. Abandoned Dreams has had a blast showing you guys around and seeing your locations as well. Hope to see you all again in the future.
That's about it for the year, so FUCK OFF! That's it! No more! It happens once a year and this is that time. This is the last post of 2009: A Year In Review.
Keep it real, stay safe, and EXPLORE EVERYTHING!
Ryan ADEman and the rest of Abandoned Dreams.
The 2010 Abandoned Dreams website is located at: