Abandoned Dreams was bored one day, so despite it already being semi-late in the day we decided to head to the Lyman School For Boys. We pulled up and the sun was already beginning to go down. We entered the first building we saw and began to explore. It turns out the building we entered was once known as the Oak Building. It housed the worst of the worst. According to Wiki: Oak Cottage was the discipline cottage. Runaways, troublemakers, and returnees were put there for attitude adjustment.
AbandonedNH had told me about this place for a while, so we finally decided to check it out. Along for the trip was AbandonedNH, Clahhhkie, Turrel, Jenny, and Myself. We arrived and parked in a now occupied portion of this abandoned state school. We checked out 3 or 4 buildings before getting a phone call from Saceist. He was pissed that we left without him, so we told him to get his ass in gear and meet us there. We headed to another building and before too long the phone was ringing and he had arrived. I went outside to meet him while the rest of the group waited inside the medical building. We explored the rest of the campus minus one building and took off. All in all, a pretty rad location. Here's my shots.