Abandoned Dreams went back to Homestead Nursing Home in Maine one day. Along for the trip was AbandonedNH, Clahhhkie, Saceist, and myself. We were in the midst of exploring when Clahhhkie mentioned that he had heard a car door shut outside the window we were standing beside. I climbed up onto a table and peered out. Outside the building were two females with cameras. I decided to have some fun with them and ran upstairs to the entrance, hoping to jumpp out and scare them when they walked through the door. I waited for 2 or 3 minutes before coming to the realization that they weren't coming in. I looked out the door and didn't see them. I walked down a wing of the nursing home and spotted them through a window insdie of one of the rooms. I walked up to the window and just stood there looking at them as they walked around outside snapping shots of the exterior. Finally, one of them looked up, spotted me, and I waved. They both waved back and yelled up to ask me what I was doing inside. I explained we were there taking photos as well and they asked what the place looked like inside. I told them that they should come in and see for themselves. To my surprise, they accepted my invitation and headed towards the door I told them was open. Once inside, I introduced myself and we headed down to the basement to meet up with the rest of my group. We bullshitted around with them for half an hour or so before deciding to head out towards our initial destination for the day. We invited Kelsey and Emily to join us, but they were too excited to finally be in the nursing home. Neither of them had a flashlight on them, so we left them with one of mine and headed out. We've talked to them online a few times since this day, but have not made any plans to get together so I could retrieve my flashlight yet. All in all, a really interesting trip to Homestead. I didn't take many shots this trip, due to the freezing cold weather and the fact that I was lending my camera to AbandonedNH, but here's the two I walked out with.

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