I was wicked pumped to visit this place again as we made our way from Homestead to Old Orchard Beach in Maine. As soon as we got in the general area I started to recognize things and started to become wicked excited about showing my personal favorite church to the rest of Abandoned Dreams. As soon as I could see the church I knew something was wrong. The bell tower was no longer out front and a good chunk of the vinyl siding had been removed. We pulled around the back only to find construction equipment. We found an entrance and I was crushed. The entire interior of my church had been gutted. No pews, No confessional, No giant 30 foot cross on the wall anymore. All that remained of the once cozy church was the giant stained glass window out front. The trip was a bust. I left knowing I'd never be able to return to this place. Anyways, here's the few shots I bothered to snap before we took off.
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